We’ve gone Social! Find us now on Facebook!

Justin Mascaro Announcements

ESI has entered the social zone with a new page on Facebook!

Did you know that Facebook has as many subscribers as we the square footage of geosynthetic liner we have installed since our inception? That’s right… 2 BILLION! Facebook’s reach is global and massive – and we’ve taken notice that most of our industry’s customers, employees and job seekers, use Facebook as their primary social networking tool.

It’s time for us to jump in the fray and use the Facebook medium to connect! We intend to use this social medium for quick updates of our activities and every so often include miscellaneous industry news and activities. Keep up-to-date with the most current information by “Liking Us” and “Following Us” through your Facebook account.

You can find us on Facebook by searching for “Environmental Specialties International” or by clicking on this link that will take you directly to our page.

Look forward to seeing you in our social zone!