Focused on the Permian!

Justin Mascaro Events

The Permian Basin – America’s Economic Miracle

The Permian Basin is the oil & gas headquarters of America.  Nearing its 100th year of production, the basin, located in west Texas and parts of New Mexico, generates approximately 2.5 million barrels of oil per day – the world’s second largest producer of crude.  Due in large part to the invention of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracking, production continues to increase while overall extraction costs have decreased.  Optimism abounds for this part of the United States, which is making the United States the energy independent for years to come.

Water, which is in limited supply in the region, is an integral part of the fracking process.  Today, water is the largest cost of upstream energy production requiring emphasis on conservation and reuse.  Out of increased necessity, water used in the fracking process (referred to as “produced water”) is contained and recycled.  Geosynthetic liners, generally double-lined composite systems incorporating leak detection systems are easy to financially justify and are commonplace among the basin.  A system consisting of geotextile as a cushion layer, with 40 or 60 mil double-lined HDPE geomembranes separated by a geonet is most common.  Conductive HDPE geomembrane liner is also generally specified as an additional layer of assurance against leaks.  Geosynthetic systems required in the Permian Basin are not unlike those required for other pond lining projects where water containment for critical applications is necessary.  ESI has considerable experience installing systems required by gas exploration companies serving the Permian Basin.  ESI has also installed similar systems in other like industries including for brine pond containment for natural gas storage, pond linings for the agriculture and power industries, and others.

We look forward to seeing you in Odessa!

What was once referred to as the “Little International Oil Show” is now a “geyser” of a conference with hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of attendees. The Permian Basin International Oil Show, a biennial event, is hosted by the city of Odessa, Texas from October 16-18th of this year. ESI is exhibiting at this important conference in booth D29/30.  The ESI team will be in full force and ready to present our experiences and capabilities to gas exploration industry leaders.

Need a map of the show with a pinpoint location of our booth?… click here!  Or, click this link to download a pdf map of the floor.

See you soon!